Winning campaigns need funding in order to reach out to voters. My campaign is no different in that regard. Your donation is critical to this campaign and my ability to share my vision for EWEB. Additionally, Oregonians can get $50 per individual or $100 per couple back on their state taxes through the Oregon Political Tax Credit. To find out, more visit:
Publicly endorsing a candidate is one of the most influential and valuable forms of support. As most people make that commitment with great care and consideration, I would be truly honored to have your endorsement.
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Live in or have a business in Bethel, River Road, Santa Clara, Trainsong, or the Whiteaker Neighborhoods?
Host a Lawn Sign!
*Brief note about lawn signs: I do not have a union bug on the sign, because after a great deal of searching could not find a local union shop. Most local shops are small family owned operations. Some suggested low-price union shops that were out-of-state and involved significant transportation costs. After a conversation about the working environment, living wages, and direct connection to management, I chose to support a local family-owned business in Eugene.